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94 total results found
Guake doesn't start because of a GConf issue
This article was originally published at It may or may not still be relevant. From nixpkgs: GNOME's GConf implements a system-wide registry (like on Windows) that applications can use to store...
FFMpeg support in youtube-dl
This article was originally published at It may no longer be necessary. Based on this post: { # ... stablePackages = with pkgs; [ # ... ( {...
Bluebird Promise.try using ES6 Promises
This article was originally published at Note that this will only be equivalent to Promise.try if your runtime or ES6 Promise shim correctly catches synchronous errors in Promise constructors. If you...
Promises reading list
This article was originally published at This is a list of examples and articles, in roughly the order you should follow them, to show and explain how promises work and why you should use them. I'll prob...
Why you shouldn't use Sails.js
This article was originally published at This article was published in 2015. Since then, the situation may have changed, and this article is kept for posterity. You should verify whether the issues still ...
node-gyp requirements
This article was originally published at It may no longer be applicable. Linux Python 2.7 (not 3.x!), build-essential (make, gcc, etc.) Windows As Administrator: npm install --global ...
Riot.js cheatsheet
This article was originally published at Component styling This section only applies to Riot.js 2.x. Since 3.x, all styles are scoped by default and you can simply add a style tag to your co...
What is state?
This article was originally published at "State" is data that is associated with some part of a program, and that can be changed over time to change the behaviour of the program. It doesn...
An incomplete rant about the state of the documentation for NixOS
This article was originally published at Historical note: I wrote this rant in 2017, originally intended to be posted on the NixOS forums. This never ended up happening, as discussing the (th...
How to install Node.js applications, if you're not a Node.js developer
This article was originally published at While installing a Node.js application isn't difficult in principle, it may still be confusing if you're not used to how the Node.js ecosystem works. T...
Whirlwind tour of (correct) npm usage
This article was originally published at This is a quick tour of how to get started with NPM, how to use it, and how to fix it. I'm available for tutoring and code review :) Starting a new project Cre...
What is(n't) Docker actually for?
This article was originally published at This article was written in 2016. Some details may have changed since. A brief listing of some misconceptions about the purpose of Docker. Secure iso...
Node.js for PHP developers
This article was originally published at It has not been finished yet, but still contains some useful pointers. Learning a second language If PHP was your first language, and this is the firs...
Synchronous vs. asynchronous
This article was originally published at You'll run into the terms "synchronous" and "asynchronous" a lot when working with JS. Let's look at what they actually mean. Synchronous code is lik...
What is Nix?
Nix is a next-generation package and system manager. Many other package managers suffer from dependency conflict issues, and many systems built on them 'decay' over time, becoming messier, slower, and more prone to crashes over time. Nix does not suffer from ...
Frequently Asked Questions
General Are there any downsides? Yes. Here are some of the most common issues that people run in today: Poor user experience: While the concepts behind Nix are great and could make system management a lot easier, the current generation of Nix tools can ...
What is nixpkgs?
You'll often run across the name 'nixpkgs' in this documentation. Nix itself is really just the package manager and build tool - it doesn't come with any software packages, and expects the user to point it at some sort of 'package set'. That's where nixpkgs c...
What is NixOS?
While Nix can run as a stand-alone package manager on any Linux system, and even on macOS, there's only so much that it can do without control over the rest of the system. NixOS is a Linux distribution that takes the concept of Nix a step further, by making it...
What is NixOps?
Nix (and NixOS) themselves only manage a single machine. If you want to manage multiple machines, especially if they are many servers, you can use a tool like NixOps - it's an 'orchestration tool' like Ansible, Chef, or Puppet, but with the guarantees of Nix. ...
What is Hydra?
Hydra is, more or less, a build server. Unsurprisingly, it uses Nix and nixlang for specifying what to build. It's used to build the binary packages for nixpkgs, for example, as well as for running automated tests to ensure that packages actually work. If you'...