Documentation about various (technical) projects that I run or am involved in in some way.
A collection of specialized search engines
An ergonomic and modular validation system for Javascript code - argument validation, arbitrary v...
Easy-to-use, composable, universal streams for Javascript.
What are Promistreams?
This article (and most of the others in this chapter) were derived from a formerly-private draft....
Known issues
Currently there is a single known issue: a design change was fairly recently made, in the process...
How do I use Promistreams?
Here's a simple example of a valid Promistream pipeline: "use strict"; const pipe = require("...
The behaviours and responsibilities of different types of streams
While you don't need to know much about the internals of Promistreams to use the libraries, there...
Missing from this documentation
Here are some of the things not (yet) covered in this documentation: Interoperating with Node ...
Commonly useful Promistream packages
All of the existing Promistream packages can be found in the package list, but they're not very w...
My process just exits and/or my pipeline doesn't run! You most likely forgot to call .read() on ...
Specification (draft)
This is a draft. It is neither complete nor, probably, correct. Core concept A Promistream is, ...
What to expect from the Promistreams beta phase
Promistreams are currently in their beta testing phase. What this means in practice: You can s...
Example project: Scraping XML sitemaps
The code in this guide scrapes an artificial sitemap for a non-existent site, that was created sp...